RoyalSlider is a premium WordPress plugin that allows you to easily add multi-media content sliders to your Website. It displays great on all devices – desktop or mobile – regardless of Mac, PC, iOS, or Android. And according to our first post on this plugin it also works on the Amazon Kindle!
Since its release this plugin has been a bestseller on CodeCanyon and with its newest update adding some awesome features that trend is expected to continue through 2013. So what’s so awesome about it?
Well for starters, when you used to create a new slide(r) the content types were either image, thumbnail, HTML, or link. And then for customization options you had general, UI (animation speed basically), and animation block options. Now, it’s set up a little better with a lot more options.
For starters, when you click on Add New or Create New Slider you’re given some slider types to choose from.

In this case I chose custom slider and I’m given the option to create a new slide (which could be any of the content types seen in the image below) OR simply add several images automatically making each a slide.

Additionally, the options panel is much more extensive. Notice all of the extra options beyond General, UI, and animation blocks.
Instead you’re able to control/choose:Slider TemplatesSkins (which you can create and upload for complete customization)Size & scalingThumbnails, bullets, tabsArrowsAutoplayFullscreenCaptionNearby slidesVideoDeeplinking (permalinks)MiscelaniousAnimated Blocks

Obviously there’s a lot that can be done here. The point of it all is though, is that all of these improvements help you make the very most out of your content sliders – not limiting you in the slightest. And to top it off, you’re now better able to cash in on SEO benefits with deeplinking as well as more extensive customization options for matching slider styles to your site.

While there have been a lot of updates and added features though, RoyalSlider remains easy to figure out. Everything is clearly labeled and after you spend 10 to 20 minutes tweaking your first slider and embedding it in your site you’ll be able to create and add new sliders with ease in the future.

Overall Review on RoyalSlider
If RoyalSlider stood out from its competition before this update then it really shines on its own now. I was really impressed with the ease of use combined with much more extensive functionality. I can’t really think of a slider use that this wouldn’t good for. You can embed these sliders anywhere – posts, pages, sidebar, header, footer, etc. – and use any type of media. A great solution at an affordable price.
Speaking of which, this plugin still retails for just $20. You can download it from CodeCanyon here: RoyalSlider Plugin