WordPress Shopify Theme Review For Ecommerce Solution

WP Shopified is a premium WordPress theme that turns your website into a fully functional online shop. It has a simple clean website design and the home page has a beautiful jQuery powered product slider for showcasing your best products.

Use Shopify Theme On WordPress 3.0+

It was designed for use on WordPress 3.0+ and uses custom post types to store information about products, users and orders. The top navigation menu can split sub categories into columns which makes navigating your store much easier. A 5 star rating system is also built into the theme that allows customers to review your products.

Shopify WordPress Theme Features

Product Information Interface

Product information pages look great. When you add a product you can set the normal price, sale price and weight of a product. You can also set whether it is displayed on the home page slider or featured product area on the sidebar. Custom product fields can be easily added too to give products better descriptions and customers can zoom into product images.


The checkout page looks great. It gives a summary of all the products in the customer’s basket and allows them to easily change quantities of items or delete items from the basket.

Admin area

Via the admin area you can see a list of all of your products, product categories, and orders. The WP Shopified dashboard gives you a summary of your products and number of pending, paid, shipped and cancelled orders. Sales and order statistic graphs are shown to give you a quick idea of how your store has been performing recently.

The settings area is very easy to configure and highlights some of the great themes that WP Shopified has. In the general settings area you can enter your company address and modify the review settings. Reviews can be switched on or off and you can automatically accept all reviews without moderation if you wish. You can also set whether reviews are only allowed after the customer has purchased the product.

You can choose to ship to all countries or select which countries you deliver too. Every country in the world is listed and shipping can automatically be calculated. You can also set the tac percentage for your store if applicable.

By default the theme has support for dollars, euros and British pounds. You can accept money through bank tranfer, bank collection, credit card or PayPal. It isn’t clear what payment gateway it uses for credit card payments though.

Layout options are fairly limited. You can set the number of products listed per page, change the default colour of links and change the gradient of buttons. You can upload your logo too though if you want to customize the design beyond that you will need to edit the template files manually.

Can you manage your stock on Shopify Themes?

New features were added for stock management and digital products. For stock, you can now add the number of items in stock to your product, reduce stock automatically on every purchase, receive low-stock-warning via email and display the current stock balance to your customer.

The new digital product features allow you to optionally add a file to every product (pdf, word document, zip file, etc), mark products as ”digital”, set order status to paid to allow direct download and allow customers to download directly from the customer area.

WP Shopified were kind enough to send me a test copy of the theme for the purpose of this review. I’ve not used the design on a live site though my initial impressions of the theme are very positive. The design might be a little simplistic for some people but it has a lot of great features such as the homepage slider, featured products lists and the in built rating and review system.

A license for WP Shopified retails for $39.95. This is a great price when you consider that many ecommerce themes cost from between $50 and $100. I recommend checking it out if you are looking for an ecommerce solution for WordPress. Make sure you check WP Mods later today as we will be giving away 5 full copies of the theme to WP Mods readers 🙂


WP ShopifiedInformation & Download | Demo

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