iPhorm Form Builder WordPress Plugin for Easy Contact Forms

iPhorm Form Builder is a premium contact form builder from developers Theme Catcher. It’s incredibly easy to use, has support for over 60 languages and once installed the plugin will help you build feature-rich contact forms in minutes.

Creating a new form is straightforward. The first thing you need to do is name your form. I recommend using something descriptive if you plan on creating numerous forms for different areas of your site.

What elements can drag and drop use in iPhorms Form Builder?

You will then be taken directly into the form builder. All you need to do is drag the element you want into the main area. In total there are 15 different elements:

  • Single Line Text
  • Paragraph Text
  • Email Address
  • Dropdown Menu
  • Checkboxes
  • Multiple Choice
  • Group
  • File Upload
  • reCaptcha
  • HTML
  • Date
  • Time
  • Hidden
  • Password

Using these elements you should be able to build even the most complicated contact forms.

Each element has 3 setting areas: advanced, optional and settings. In the advanced area you can style the outer and inner wrappers, labels, descriptions and text input. Data can be filtered and you can validation settings too.

Via the optional area you can set a default value, admin label, set an error message, determine where the label and tool tip is placed and prevent duplicate submissions. Conditional logic can be applied here too. This allows you to show or hide the field depending on what the visitor has entered in other fields.

In the last settings area you can enter the details for your label and tool tip and specify whether the field is required or not.

IPhorm Settings

Once you have built your form you can customize it further by modifying the form settings (this is different from the individual element settings area). You can change the form name, title, and description. You can also set a message to be displayed once the form has been completed. Alternatively, you can redirect the user to another page.

Ajax can be enabled so that the page doesn’t have to be reloaded on submission, the submit button can be changed and you can enable captcha to reduce spam.

Iphorms Color Options and Design

In the style settings, you can choose from 4 different themes: a light and dark theme with or without CSS3 rounded corners. The uniform button ensures that the contact form looks the same on all browsers and you can style labels, tool tips, the datepicker and all other areas of the form (such as the wrapper, dropdowns, submit buttons etc).

Email Submissions

Email settings for the email that is forwarded to you can be modified and an auto-reply can be setup that is sent to those who complete the form.

All form contact form submissions can be saved on your website. This can be disabled though I don’t understand why someone would disable such a great feature. By default the plugin saves data in your WordPress database though you can save data in a different database if you wish.

Via the main settings area for the plugin you can enter your reCaptcha details and disable certain CSS and Javascript features. Forms and entries can be exported and imported too (to applications such as Exel and OpenOffice) and there is a great help area that shows you how you can create complicated forms and integrate them into your website.

Add content with code

You will then have to select which form you want to add to your post or page. The plugin then insert the appropriate code into your content (e.g. [iphorm id=1 name=”WordPress Mods Contact Form”]).

You can also add forms via a widget or directly into your templates using a PHP function.

Simple forms only take a few minutes to create. More complex forms that use conditional logic may require a little more time so that you can test the form and make sure it works correctly.

The video below shows you how create a contact form using iPhorm in just a few minutes:

How much does iPhorm Form Builder Cost?

A license for iPhorm Form Builder retails for $25 from CodeCanyon however if you want a multi-license you will have to pay $99. This is a little cheaper than it’s main alternative Gravity Forms, which costs $39 for a single license, $99 for 3 websites and $199 for an unlimited license.

So which is better: iPhorm Form Builder or Gravity Forms? On WP Mods I use Gravity Forms and have been very happy with it, though I’ve spent some time testing iPhorm for this review. Those of you who are looking to create general forms will be happy with either plugin though if you want to create more advanced forms I believe Gravity Forms is the clear choice due to it’s additional elements (18 more to be exact) and integration with other services such as Mail Chimp, Aweber and PayPal.

Personal Experience after using iPhorm Form Builder:

I did however find iPhorm to be more user friendly than Gravity Formsh, in part due to Gravity Forms overwhelming you with options in the settings areas and due to how responsive the drag and drop interface for iPhorm is. I’m nitpicking a little though as both plugins are more than capable for building contact forms. There’s not a huge difference in price between the plugins for a single license though at $99, a multi license for iPhorm is more than half the price of the similar license for Gravity Forms. That is quite a difference and is sure to be a big factor in which plugin you purchase if you need a multi-site license.

All in all I was very impressed with iPhorm. You can create complex forms in minutes, save entries in your database for future reference and edit the style of the forms and the emails that are sent out. If you liked this make sure you read our plugin reviews for WordPress that helps your website to run quick.

Good luck,

Link: iPhorm Form Builder

* Thanks to ThemeCatcher for providing a copy of iPhorm Form Builder for the purpose of this review 🙂

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