How To Login To WordPress By Scanning A QR Code

No More Passwords is a cool new WordPress plugin from Jack Reichert that lets you log in to your WordPress-powered website by scanning a Quick Response Barcode with your smartphone.

Once you have activated the plugin you will see a QR barcode in your login page. The idea is that you scan the code with your QR application and it automatically logs you into your site. In the video below Jack shows you how it works.

The plugin is definitely in beta mode. I initally installed the plugin on WP Mods and in my WP Mods test blog. The QR code showed in my test blog but didn’t show on WP Mods, which suggests that it was perhaps clashing with another plugin.

Scan QR Code Using Your Phone

I scanned the code with my iPhones QR reader in my test area and it took me to a login page on my phone. After I entered my login information the plugin should have automatically logged me in on my computer though it didn’t work as planned, perhaps in part because the test blog I tried it on is in a sub directory of a domain that also has WordPress installed. So instead of redirecting me to I was redirected to and asked to sign in again.

To find out if this was caused by me testing the plugin in a sub directory I installed the plugin in the root of the domain (e.g. This time, the plugin worked, though I still had to login via my phone every time (perhaps I didn’t set it up right).

Should you login to WordPress with QR code?

Even if the bugs are ironed out in this plugin, I can’t see myself using it. I recognize that this type of login system can make your site more secure as keyword logging software can’t track your login details, though the process makes signing in more time-consuming. It only takes me a few seconds to login using my username and password though by logging in with my phone I need to get my phone, launch the QR reader application, and then scan the code. It seems like a long way for a shortcut.

Nevertheless, I think it’s a cool idea and it’s encouraging to see a developer create something that little bit different. Those of you who are concerned about your username and password being tracked should give it a try. Please bear in mind that it’s still in beta mode so it might not work correctly for you. More information can be found at the links below 🙂

Good luck,

No More Passwords: Information | Download

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