How To Add Photos To Author Pages on WordPress

We’re making your favorite WordPress site even more awesome by introducing author pages! Now you can get in touch with the people behind the posts and learn more about what they’re passionate about. An author page can provide a great way for you to connect with your audience, boost your visibility, and engage readers with your content. In this article, we’ll show you how to make the author pages even more compelling with profile images.

What is an author’s page?

Let’s say you have author pages on your website or blog for each of the writers you have, this way you can learn more about them and get to know them a little bit better. It doesn’t necessarily have to be just your writers; it could also be other team members and is an easy way to recognize them, much like a favicon. In this article, you will learn exactly how to add photos to your author page, as well as how to add an author to WordPress!

Adding a new author to your WordPress

Step 1: Go to “Users”

To add an author’s blog to your WordPress site, you first need to go to the “Users” option on the left-hand side of your screen, then select “Add New”.

Step 2: Add New User

Once you are there, you’re required to add your username, your email, your first name, and your last name. You can generate a new password on your own, and then under “Role,” you will click on the author.

Once you’re finished, select  “Add new user.”

Step 3: Adding your New Plugin

Once that’s complete, go to plugins, and you select “Add New Plugins”. You will then search for authors. This is the plugin 

you want.

Step 4: Locating your Authors

You will now find all of the authors listed under “Authors”.
When you select “Authors”, you will notice that your name and surname are listed there. The mapped user will be your name, or whoever the author adds to it.

Adding a Photo to Your Author Page

To add an image, all you do is go to the image tab, select “Customize Image,” and then upload the image that you want.

Once you are happy with the image, click on “update”.

If you would like to view what it looks like, go back to users and click on your author’s view button.

It will have your name and the date of when you publish. Additionally, it will also tell you what the publishing is about.


Those are the 5 easy steps to add photos to author pages on WordPress. We could not possibly make it any easier even if we tried, so we know you will be able to do it without any hassle.

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