Too Many Redirects on WordPress and How To Fix it?

Did you just bump into an unexpected “ ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ” error message on WordPress? Trying to fix this error issue can be infuriating, especially when you don’t know what it is or how to fix it. 

In this article, we will explain what exactly the too many redirects error message is and how to fix the issue. We’ll outline the process for fixing this process with each browser and what to do if this doesn’t work. 

What is the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error? 

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS shows that your browsing is stuck in an endless c loop. This loop happens you visit a URL that points to another URL, which only points back to the first one. 

Your browser will break down after a few redirects and show the “too many redirects” error message. The different browsers will have different ways of warning users about this error. 

However, most browsers will show “too many redirects.” These browsers will also provide a suggestion on how to fix this issue. 

Too many redirects error code on popular browsers

Google Chrome

On Google Chrome, users will most likely see ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, or they will see the following; 

“This webpage has a redirect loop problem” or “This page isn’t working. redirected you too many times.”

Check the image below. 


Source: Stack Overflow


Users will see “Safari Can’t Open the Page for the browser Safar.” 

Below this sentence, you will also see the following: 

“Too many redirects occurred trying to open “” This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which is then redirected to open the original page.”

This is how the error message would look on Safari:


Source: Mid Atlantic Consulting


With Mozilla Firefox, the browser will show the user, “The page isn’t redirecting properly.”

Sometimes, users will see the following message, “An error occurred during a connection to This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.” This can be seen in the image below. 


Source: Pearl Lemon Web

How to Fix Too Many Redirects Error Message

There are a few methods that users can do to fix a common “too many redirects error” message. You can apply these methods to any website without worrying about the content management system (CMS) or the website builder. 

These things will include the following: 

  • Clearing all your cookies
  • Clear your browser cache.
  • Ensure your SSL certificate is installed correctly.
  • Evaluate your third-party services and plugins.
  • Reset your access file.
  • Contact your hosting provider.

Clearing all your cookies 

One of the first things you can do to fix this issue is clear all the cookies on the website, causing the redirect loop. This cookie-clearing method will be similar for different web browsers. 

We’ve outlined the process below. 

How to clear cookes on Google Chrome

In the top right corner of the Google Chrome browser, click on the three dots to get a drop-down menu.

Then click on the settings option near the bottom of the drop-down menu, as shown in the image below. 

Then click on the “Privacy and security” button in the left toolbar, as shown in the image below. 

Then click on the “Cookies and other site data” option in the middle of the screen, as shown in the image below. 

Scroll down to “See all site data and permissions” and click on this option. This is shown in the image below. 

Then in the top right corner, you can search for the website as shown in the image below. This is shown in the image below. 

You can also clear all the data by clicking on the “clear displayed data” button in the image below. 

You can also clear the data for individual sites by clicking on the icon shaped like a trash can. 

How to clear cookes on Safari

You must click the “Safari” button to clear cookies in the Safari browser. Then you will need to scroll down to “preferences.” You can see this in the image below. 

click Safari > Preferences to clear cookies

Then you will need to click on the “Privacy” button. This will be the button with a white hand in a blue circle (as shown in the image below). 

Then click on the “Manage Website Data” button below. 

Click manage website data to clear cookies on safari

You should see a pop-up window, as shown in the image below. Then you can use the search field in the top right of this field to find the website that’s causing the redirect loop. 

Then select the website and click “Remove” at the bottom of the window.

Remove redirecting website on Safari

Finally, all you need to do is click “Done.” 

How to clear cookes on Firefox

The first thing you need to do is open the Firefox browser. Then click on the menu button, which looks like three horizontal lines (as shown in the image below). 

Then click on “Settings” near the bottom of the drop-down menu. 

Then click on “Privacy & Security” in the left toolbar (as shown in the image below). 

Then scroll down to the “Cookies and Site Data” section (as shown in the image below). 

Then click on the “Manage Data” button on the right (as shown in the image below).

After clicking “Manage Data,” you will see a new pop-up window with a list of websites you’ve visited. 

You can type the website’s name in the search field at the top of the window, causing the redirect issue. 

For example, if Youtube was causing the redirect error, then you should search “Youtube.” See the image below. 

Then you should click the “Remove All Shown” button as shown in the image below. 

Finally, click on the “Save Changes” button, as shown in the image below. 

Clear your browser cache

When clearing your cookies on specific websites doesn’t fix the redirect loop, you can try clearing your whole browser cache. This process will be similar for different web browsers, like clearing cookies on a specific. 

Below, we’ve outlined the process for each browser.

How to clear your browser cache on Chrome

When you open Google Chrome, click on the three dots in a vertical line to get a drop-down menu. 

Then click on “Settings” near the bottom of this menu (as shown in the image below). 

Then click on the “Privacy and security” button in the left toolbar, as seen in the image below. 

Then click on the “Clear browsing data” button in the middle of the window, as shown in the image below. 

In the pop-up window that appears, you will get different options for the time range clearing your browsing data. (Shown in the image below)

Once you’ve set the time range, you will need to click on the “Clear Data” button (shown in the image below).

How to clear your browser cache on Safari

When you open this browser, you will need to click on the “Safari” button at the top left corner. Then in the drop-down menu, click on “Preferences” (as shown in the image below). 

click safari > preferences to clear cache in safari

Then you will need to click on the “Privacy” icon, as shown in the image below. Then click on the button “Manage Website Data” below shown in the image below. 

click manage website data to clear browser cache in safari

You will then see a pop-up window that displays a list of websites. You will need to click on the “Remove All” button at the bottom of the window. 

Then you will see a pop-up asking, “Are you sure you want to remove all data stored by the [insert number] displayed websites on your computer?”

Then click the “Remove Now” button in the image below. 

Finally, you will need to click on the button labeled “Done.” 

How to clear your browser cache on Firefox

Open your Firefox web browser, and click on the menu button in the top right corner. 

Then click on the “Settings” button near the bottom of the drop-down menu (shown in the image below).

Then click on the “Privacy & Security” option in the left toolbar, as shown in the image below. 

Then scroll down to the “Cookies and Site Data ” section in the image below. 

Then click on the “Clear Data” button to the right. 

After this, you should get a pop-up window (as shown in the image below). 

You should ensure that both the “Cookies and Site Data” and “Cached Web Content” boxes are checked. This is usually done by default, as shown in the image below. 

Finally, click the “clear” button. 

SSL certificate needs to be properly installed

If these steps mentioned above don’t fix the too many redirects error, there could be an issue with your HTTPS settings. This means that a website uses a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the data that’s transferred between a web browser and the server delivering that particular website. 

There are certain situations that will cause your SSL certificate to be the cause of too many redirects error. A good example is if you haven’t installed an SSL certificate but still forced SSL on your website. 

This is because the requests that go to the hosting server are sent through HTTP, then your server will repeatedly redirect to HTTPS. 

Other situations might include the following: 

  • The server won’t establish an SSL-encrypted connection
  • The website isn’t backed up before it’s converted to HTTPS
  • URLs haven’t been updated 
  • The web host doesn’t support an SSL certificate
  • Expired SSL certificate
  • The change of domain website to HTTPS or the transfer hasn’t been completed.

It’s essential that you ensure your SSL certificate is properly installed. You should ensure that the SSL certificate does not expire. 

Check third-party plugins and services

When you’ve tried clearing your cookies and cache and fixing your HTTPS settings, you should double-check the third-party services you use. 

For example, if you are using a proxy server (a server that acts as a middleman that instructs several clients to various servers). This could be the cause of the too many redirects error. 

Cloudflare is a good example. It has a versatile SSL option that forces requests between Cloudflare and its clients to be put through HTTPS. However, it does allow these requests between your origin server and Cloudflare to be sent through HTTP. 

Cloudflare flexiblle SSL option can cause too many redirects error

Source: Cloudflare Docs

If you already have an SSL certificate installed and this option is enabled, your server will then redirect requests to HTTPS. This redirect will most likely cause the too many redirects error. This issue can be fixed by using another encryption mode. 

For example, if you have a website that WordPress manages, third-party plugins could cause this too many redirects errors. You can use tools to quickly and effortlessly create a redirect when a post’s or page’s permalink has changed. 

In other situations, simply changing the plugin settings or updating the plugin can cause the too many redirects error. To test this, you can try disabling your plugins, and you can test this by deactivating your plugins all at once. 

Then you can start reactivating these plugins one by one to see which one is causing this error on your website. 

Below we’ve outlined the steps in this process. 

How to reactivate plugins on WordPress?

Step 1: Log into your website’s WordPress admin dashboard. 

Step 2: Choose “Plugins” on the left toolbar. Then click on “Installed Plugins.” 

Step 3: Tick the box labeled “Plugin” to ensure all your plugins are selected. 

Step 4: Find the “Bult Actions” drop-down menu and select the “Deactivate” option. 

Step 5: Then click “Apply.”

Step 6: Finally, refresh your website.

After following these steps, and you don’t see too many redirects error messages, you can start activating each plugin. You will need to reload your website after activating each plugin to find the troublemaker. 

Sometimes, you will need to contact the plugin developer to fix this issue or find an alternative plugin for your site. 

Contact your hosting provider

If you’ve tried all these steps and you are still experiencing this error, you should contact your hosting provider. You need to explain to them that you’re dealing with the “too many redirects error” that might affect your website’s performance. 

Your provider might be able to tell you what’s causing this error. Your provider might even be able to fix this issue for you. 

Fixing the too many redirects error

There are a few reasons you might be seeing too many redirect error messages when browsing the internet or managing your website. In some cases, simply clearing your cookies or your cache. 

In other situations, the problem might be more serious such as double-checking that your SSL certificate has been installed correctly. If you use WordPress to manage your website, you should check your individual plugins one by one. 

Whatever you need to do to fix this issue, rest assured it will be worth it. It will ensure your users can keep browsing and navigating your site. 

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