Bootstrap Website Maker by ThemeForest

Envato’s open WordPress template and plugin marketplace has begun featuring Built with Bootstrap items on its front page and will continue to do so through the month of March.

The announcement was made by Growth Officer Joshua Sprague over the weekend who posted, “I’ve just added a new Bootstrap Templates collection to the featured items area on the ThemeForest home page. Because there are so many awesome items to choose from, I wanted to open it up to you fine authors to have your best ‘Built With Bootstrap’ items added. If you will send me a link (via my profile) to one or two of your best ‘Built With Bootstrap’ items then I will definitely add them to this collection.”

About Bootstrap

The official Bootstrap website markets the download as a “sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.” Through its utilization of the Less pre-processor, Bootstrap boasts more flexibility than traditional CSS.

Its responsive design will ensure content is appropriately arranged regardless of whether you are being visited from an over-sized desktop monitor or from a smaller screen such as a tablet computer or smartphone. With Bootstrap, you can organize your layout beginning with the 12-column responsive grid along with JavaScript plugins, typography, and a web-based customization tool (shown below).

Bootstrap Theme Submission Process

Sprague (pictured) outlined how the ThemeForest submission process will function, and set a number of conditions that are explained in the original forum thread.

Firstly, the item must be built with Bootstrap, and no more than 2 products should be sent. Joshua has also asked that authors rate the collection and restrain from sending links to full portfolios, as the items should be chosen directly by the authors and then submitted. “If you don’t already have any ‘Built with Bootstrap’ items in your portfolio, now is a great time to start! I will likely run this collection through the month of March so that should give you plenty of time,” Sprague added.

Two ThemeForest authors have already replied in the thread. OrangeIdea thanked the Envato Growth Officer for selecting his BUILDER theme while ZERGE posted that he has recently submitted a Bootstrap item and is hopeful it will be approved for the homepage feature.


The BUILDER Multi-Purpose theme is currently featured within the “Built With Bootstrap” section and has already received over 1,000 purchases at a Regular License price of $45. There are over 600 comments already posted on the item, plus it has so far enjoyed a 5 Star Rating with 26 Facebook Likes and 44 Tweets. Originally created on December 10th, ThemeForest Elite Author OrangeIdea most recently updated the theme on Sunday, January 27th.

Builder Theme

BUILDER is compatible with WordPress Versions 3.4 and 3.5, and works with the IE8, IE9, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome browsers. Its responsive layout makes catering to small screen devices an effortless consideration that requires no extra code manipulation in order to enable. The template comes with the Page Builder and Revolution Slider plugins already integrated and offers 6 unique portfolio layouts along with 8 blog styles, Google Fonts, and SEO optimization. If you would like to try out the theme, you can do so by visiting the BUILDER Theme Demo Page.

Catering To Evolving Needs

ThemeForest parent company Envato has long been known for catering to the evolving needs of WordPress users, and often conducts in-house “Most Wanted” bounty programs in an effort to motivate authors to produce high-quality material that is currently in demand. Over $25,000 in prize money has been awarded by the company over the past six months; not to mention that selected items are subsequently marketed and given an opportunity to be featured on a site that has generated millions in income for WordPress developers.

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